Five Nights At Warios fangame Wiki
Five Nights At Warios fangame Wiki

FNaW Custom Characters:

Golden Wario: Will show the cameras a feed of static. It also causes hallucinations and it will be seen rarely on Night 2.

Old Waluigi: Kills the player if power has run out.

Metal Mario: Makes the Power go down. Find the camera he is on and use Control Shock to make him go away.

Metal Luigi: Will appear on cam 6 and move to cam 1 and cam 4, he will attack you if the door power runs out by M. Mario.

Ignited Peach: will attack on the right side. Will kill the player if the right door cant be used anymore.

Glitchy Yoshi: attacks from every location and his active on the Last Night. 

Glitchy Wario Man: Same behavior as Glitchy Yoshi.
