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Five Nights At Warios fangame Wiki


The Monitor as held by the player in Five Nights at Wario's 3.

The Monitor (or the Camera) is a vital game mechanic in the Five Nights at Wario's series. It allows full access to video camera footage of the building where the player stays in (excluding the Bathrooms in the first game, Backroom in the second game, and Cellar in the third game, Lounge in fourth game and Balcony in the sixth game.). It can be used to locate the characters once they have moved. To activate the Monitor, the player must press the button marked with arrows (first and second game), or camera (third game and Origins), or the at the bottom of the screen.


It lets the player look around at certain spots in the building. It doesn't let them see The Office, and this is the player's only defense against Mario. When an enemy is in The Office, it will kill the player when the Monitor is lowered.

In Five Nights at Wario's 3, if the player attempts to view the room they currently hide in, it will show a blank screen with a red text that says "CURRENT LOCATION". This is not the case during Night 5, as the player hides in a new room not previously viewable on the Monitor, the Cellar. Interestingly, the player cannot view other rooms while hiding in this location. The room has a green tint on the Monitor instead of the standard grayscale.

In Five Shows at Wario's, it helps with tracking down Bowser to check if he is touching the house or not in The Exit Standard Mode. In The Exit Final Days, it helps with tracking down the 3 moving enemies along with defending against VIRUS Mario and alternatively stop VIRUS Toad, as none of them make any sound when arriving.


  • It makes the characters move slower toward the player's location.
  • Lets the player know where each character is.
  • In FNaW and FNaW3, it makes Mario disappear when he is in The Office and Playroom.
  • In FNaW3, it recharges fairly quickly.
  • In "FNAW:O" it stops Mario from moving.
  • In FSaW, it defends against VIRUS Mario and is an alternative to stopping VIRUS Toad.


  • In FNaW, FNaW Origins 2018 Mode, and FSaW Final Days, it consumes power.
  • In FNaW and FSaW Final Days, it normally doesn't have a video feed for the Bathroom or Balcony despite the active audio feed.
  • In FNaW2, it will only shut down when the player doesn't have enough power. They can get more power by using the Power Generator in the Backroom.
  • In FNaW3, there's a power meter indicating the Monitor will shut off it's used for too long.
    • This does not apply in the Bedroom.
  • In FNaW3, the player has to wait for the Monitor to recharge to use it.
  • In FNaW3, if the player hides in the second bedroom, they will get jumpscared by DK if they look at him for too long.
  • In FNaW3, if the player hides in the Hallway, all of the cameras will blackout, despite the audio.
  • In FNaW Origins, in 1988 mode, it will shut down and the player will have to travel to the Office to turn it back on.
  • In FSaW The Exit Standard Mode, it can only be used on the Balcony.


  • On occasion, there is a possible bug in the first game where every camera (excluding the Bathroom) will say "Machinery."
  • In the second game, if the player views Tool Storage when the storm hits, the Tool Storage camera will say "Garden".
  • In the third game, when hiding in Living Room 3, the room that got its lights shut down may have its name changed to "Playroom."


  • The Bathroom in the first game normally has only the audio feed, but sometimes Wario Man can make the camera feed flicker, allowing the player to view this room, looking like a normal bathroom.
  • The only time the player can view their room on the Monitor is during Night 5 in Five Nights at Wario's 3 and switching to the appropriate camera in Origins.
  • The default focus of the camera in FNaW 1 is always CAM 1 before v2.0.
    • This is also the same way in FNaW 2.

Five Nights at Wario's[]

Five Nights at Wario's 2[]

Five Nights at Wario's 3[]

Five Nights at Wario's: Origins[]

Five Shows at Wario's[]
